Shipping and delivery

  • To ensure that your ordered product reaches you on time, and in good condition, we ship your product only through reliable courier services. Currently, every order is shipped to a single destination address only. If you wish to ship products to different addresses, you will need to place multiple orders.
  • All DELEFORET products are fully handcrafted. Since there is no ready made product, the making process of your order nearly takes 10 days to be ready for shipment. That period may be shorter or a few days longer according to your ordered item, customizations, etc. Normally, the shipping period takes 3-7 business days to be at your address. (Delivery companies declare those figures.)
  • We dispatch our product in tamper proof packaging. While accepting delivery, if the packaging is tampered with or damaged, kindly refuse the delivery of the package and inform us through an email
  • We will put in our best efforts to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest. Please note that all items (including gifts) will be shipped to the shipping address mentioned in your order with an invoice mentioning the price, as per the Swiss Tax Regulations.
  • Once shipped, the products should reach you anywhere between 3 to 7 business days. If you do not receive your package within the time indicated by the transporter, for whatever reason, please do call or email us and we will do our best to see that you receive your product at the earliest. However, DELAFORET shall not be held liable for delays beyond our control.
  • To increase shipping security, a delivery receipt may be asked from you by the delivery company. If the product has still not been delivered after 30 days of purchase date, the customer is entitled to a refund of the purchase in full.